Solicit Comments, but prevent user from viewing other's comments
Hello All, We use comments pretty extensively to communicate updates and share "next step" info internally. I would like to request updates, and include comments to external collaborators, but prevent them from seeing what has been previously posted. Is there a way to do this? Thanks, Alex
Will changing a sheet name break the cell links?
I want to change a sheet name, but it is the source sheet to another sheet with cell links. Does anyone know if the links will break, if the source sheet name is changed? Thank you, Bill
Sharing Reports without sharing sheets
We want to share reports with customers so they can see schedules but do not want customers to be able to view other customers schedules on the primary sheet. In order to share a report we must also share the primary sheet. Is there a work around for this?
SUMIFS for multiple criteria
This should be fairly simple, but I am spinning on this syntax. Trying to sum my "Invoiced" column if the Year Column = "2019" and the Type Column = "Expense". I have tried a few variations, but this is what I think should work? =SUMIFS(Invoiced:Invoiced, Type:Type, Expense, Year:Year, 2019). I have tried quotations around…
Images not loading
Anybody else experiencing the problem the last couple days where images on rows/cards don't load? See screenshot. Where you see all those empty boxes within the cards, there are supposed to be unique images.
Hyperlink to a network drive
Hi - I have a document stored on a shared network drive that I would like to be able to insert a hyperlink to. Is this possible with Smartsheet? The sheet appears to only accept web addresses as hyperlinks rather than file locations (for example: Z:\Documents\File.pdf). Uploading the document to a cloud storage provider…
Number formatting in Sheet Summary
Hello all, I'm using sheet summary to get rid of the top row on our master project list. Formerly, we used "=SUM(CHILDREN())" to add up all projects & sub tasks.The top row was only there to add everything up. We moved this function over to the Sheet Summary & it's working fine. My issue is the number formatting. The…
Traffic Lights/cell colour based on corresponding numeric value
Hi, can anyone please help? I want to set up an alert system in SmartSheet that turns a cell green (and labelled 'on track') if a corresponding cell is >90%, yellow ('needs work') if 70%-89%, orange ('at risk') if 40-69%, red ('behind') if 2-39%, and blue ('not started') if <2%.
reminder not available at all for automation
Even though I go to Automation and click on set a reminder, I only get the alert triggers. What should I do to get reminders triggers? Regards Pio
Network Diagram
Are there any plans to add the ability to display a graphical Network Diagram based on the dependencies? Stephen