Sharing Sheets to Multiple Workspaces
I was wondering if I could have a sheet be located in multiple workspaces simultaneously. For example If I wanted to have individual workspaces for each project I am working on, but also have separate workspaces that would allow me to see overviews for ALL projects, all pulling from the same sheets.
Back calculation of dates in Gantt View
Hi there, I'm building a schedule in Gantt View by back calculating from an end date. The issue I have (refer attached screenshot) is that I require the finish of the task at row 353 to be the earlier of the start of row 355 or 2 x weeks prior to the start of row 32. When I put in what I understand these predecessor…
Line Break as Delimiter in JOIN(CHILDREN()) Formula
1. I want to aggregate text information from child cells and use a line break as delimiter. How can I do this? 2. In Addition it would be nice to have "Primary Column" as prefix before the respective contents. Example Values for Primary Columns for two rows: Child 1, Child2 Value for relevant text cell of child 1: - lorem…
Feature Request: Adjust Lag Time in Calendar View
I imagine this has been mentioned already, but it would be great if I could adjust lag time for tasks in the calendar view. The calendar view is great for load balancing, but it's a pain to have to go back and forth between the calendar and gantt view to adjust the dates.
Report with only parent rows
I am new to Smartsheet and I'm trying to create a report from multiple sheets that have parent rows and child tasks. I'm looking for a report that puts together all the sheets but only shows the parent rows from each sheet along with the information on that row - percent complete, gantt information etc.
Problems with Cell Linking working on some cells but not others
I help develop Smartsheet sheets and reports, and link cells from project plan sheets to an overview portfolio sheet. Recently I've seen where some cells link properly, but some cells don't. I've tried removing the links and re-linking, but to no avail. Guidance is appreciated.
Creating Dashboards
I am new to creating dashboards in SS. I have gone through the SS online tutorials and not finding the details I need. I need to create reports using formulas and what I have tried I have not been successful. Does anyone have suggestions on other materials to review?
Parent Roll functionality Calculation of subtask Duration calculating wrong
There is an Task hierarchy created with the layer of 5 Main sub task. For this 5 layer Sub task Duration calculation is wrong when i tried with dependency and without dependency Can any one help me on this
Paste raw data into Filters
I love the Filter for "Show rows that match" is one of "select values". I however would love to be able to paste from NotePad, Excel, an email, etc a list of values separated by line or comma (IE: 5045,5046,5097,6014,5058) to automatically have that select instead of having to scroll down to select the 50 lines I want…
COUNTIF Using Open-Ended Range Formula (Not Working)
I'm using the COUNTIF formula and am trying to set an open-ended range formula (see below). When I do so, I receive the error #UNPARSEABLE =COUNTIF(Test Result:Test Result, Status1) Is there any reason this wouldn't work? I've attached a screenshot of how Test Result is defined.