Saving eMail History
Only solution found: - cc myself on all email requests; this does not create/manage history well - create email as a discussion; save, then send that discussion Is it possible to save email's sent via smartsheets as part of the discussion for that line item?
UI "Improvements"
Hello Smartsheet Community- Last month Smartsheet released a new User Interface. This forum is FILLED with very concerned users who strongly feel these changes are not beneficial and they want the old Smartsheet tabs and navigation back. If you are one of these users, PLEASE keep asking smartsheet for updates on if the old…
New UI 12-14-2018
This UI is terrible, I don't even want to waste my time explaining why at this point, it is OBVIOUS. At this time I am contemplating updating all training materials, SOP's and videos or just throwing in the towel and searching for a replacement. I simply do not have the time to re-learn, re-document, re-train every time…
Enhancement Request: Return counts lost in UX Changes
There was this: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/ux-changes-release-2018-02-13 I continue to miss the counts that were so visible and usable. Filter count - I now have to unfilter/filter to see a dropdown -- which goes away after a few seconds. Discussions. Open Update Requests. Attachments. I now have to click…
Loss of Tabs
Can someone please explain to me the reason for removing the sheet tabs and changing it to what we currently have now? I understand changes that are less user-friendly up front if they provide an overall better experience or increases the functionality and capabilities of a program. However, in this case I see absolutely…
Update Request which create a new row
Looking to have an update request that would create a new row (much like a form would do). Here is the situation: - Row with Project Name, PMs, etc... A PMs has more than 1 project. I need to calculate the weekly hours for stats purposes. If I use a form, the PM must submit it and then click back on the email again and…
Automatically repeat rows within a schedule (daily, weekly, monthly etc)
Hi, We use schedules to track publication output. Is there a way, when a form is completed or when a user adds to the schedule, an option can be selected to repeat the entry either daily, weekly, or monthly? Thanks, Dan
Reminder to complete form to outside email accounts
I have 3 forms, that I need to be sent out as a reminder on a certain date. I have a 4th form I used to collect email addresses that I would send the weekly form to those addresses. I want to keep reminding them to complete the form if they have not by a certain date. So I was thinking I could make a email list (personal)…
Allow access to specific items only
Hi all, I am creating a set of sheets. * Main sheet: gathers all the tickets about issues raised from the field (customer). Ticket (row) will be added using a customized form. tickets are coming from several types of users.* Engineers that belongs to the company. * Engineers that are external and belongs to the customers.…
Auto-Refreshing Sheets/Grids
Hello all, In m company, managers have to perform monthly audits of the plant floor. I created a system that should email them weekly notifications describing where they should be performed and who to talk to. The sheet has a week column that I'd like to automatically refresh without having to go in and manually do so. Is…