Document Generation/Dynamic Views & Conditional Formatting

  • How can I set up a generated PDF document to carry over the conditional formatting from my grid?
  • Can the Dynamic View also show the conditional formatting applied to the grid?

This works for reports but I haven't been able to figure out how to set the document or view up to show the conditional formatting in the grid...

Thanks much for any guidance.


  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    If you have a grid sheet with conditional formatting, all you have to do to generate a PDF with that formatting is to go to the File menu up top and select Export and then select Export to PDF. When I do that for sheets of mine which have conditional formatting, the formatting is shown on the PDF it generates.

    Dynamic View will not show your conditional formatting from your grid sheet. There isn't a way to get it to do so.

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Generate Documents PDFs will not show conditional formatting either. There isn't currently a way to get them to do so.

    Please submit an Enhancement Request if you wish for these features to be added.

  • Brandie
    Brandie ✭✭

    Thank you - appreciate the quick response and I'll submit an Enhancement Request as suggested.

  • Monster Man
    Monster Man ✭✭✭

    My experience with DV and cell formatting is different than what is described in this and other threads on this topic. My experience is that DV does carry forward and display conditional formatting.

    However, DV only brings forward and displays font size if DV is built from a sheet, but not if built from a report. This is very frustrating, as I commonly use reports to pull data from various sheets, and with this limitation everything in DV is displayed in small font.

    Am I missing something? Does anyone understand this different?
