Bridge by Smartsheet: Resource Management trigger

Dawn_ATX ✭✭✭✭
edited 02/20/23 in Add Ons and Integrations


I am trying to create a workflow in bridge between Resource Management (to pull actual approved hours) and Smartsheet. There are not clear instructions on the different types of modules for the Resource Management step. For instance, I can get my workflow to run correctly IF I have a Smartsheet setup first (which requires a manual export of data from Resource Mgmt and then copy and paste into Smartsheet), but the problem is, when I get to the resource mgmt piece, I can fill out the following fields, but....where does the data go and/or where is it going!? I can't figure this out to save my life. The "incurred hours" are the "approved hours" and this total in the red box matches what is in RM, but how can I get that information to automatically pull from RM into Smartsheet without having a manual sheet setup?

Could I simply just have a project sheet in smartsheet listing all of my projects and the total hours per project get pulled in using the bridge workflow as long as i have an "incurred hours" column? I am really stuck on this and we need this missing piece to fill in a HUGE gap.

Thank you for any help!


  • Dawn_ATX
    Dawn_ATX ✭✭✭✭

    Putting this out there again in the hopes someone can help me.

  • Genevieve P.

    Hi @Dawn_ATX

    If I'm understanding you correctly, then yes! You can grab the data reference that you've circled from the Run Log to then either Update a row or add as a New Row in a specific Smartsheet sheet.

    The column could be titled "incurred hours" or anything else that you'd like, as long as you map the data reference to the correct column name in your Smartsheet update/add module.

    Let me know if that helped or if I can clarify further.



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  • Dawn_ATX
    Dawn_ATX ✭✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P. Thank you! I'll give this a try (and keep you posted if it works). Do you know once the workflow is created and I refresh it, that every time there are approve hours, it will pull those from RM into Smartsheet?

  • Genevieve P.

    Hi @Dawn_ATX

    This would depend on how you've built the workflow: what your trigger is and what the end output is set up as. If you're manually running the workflow, and you've built in a module that grabs that data and puts it in a sheet, then yes, when you run the workflow it will grab any new data and put that into your sheet.

    You can also trigger your workflow in different ways, such as through the Resource Management extension when a Project is updated or when Time Entries are updated:

    See: Resource Management for Bridge Integration Overview

    Or you could set the trigger to run on a daily basis to get data, whether it's been changed or not. See: Schedule Triggers



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