Calendar App - Information not consistently populating

I am using the calendar app and embedding it into dashboard to share. I am hoping someone can help getting the app to display the content correctly.

For some reason, some of the information isn't matching from the row content to the calendar completely.

In particular, the intended audience column was used to sort the calendar events. The content is in the feeding row below.

Then, on the calendar app, it successfully sorts by the intended audience, but when opening the event information, the content isn't populated.

For what ever reason, this is only happening on a handful of events. I'm not sure how to fix this inconsistency.

I've gone directly into the calendar app and manually selected the drop downs, however the changes wont stick that way either.



  • Dale Murphy
    Dale Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @VictoriaD What is the source of the data for the Calendar view? Is it a report that combines more than one sheet, or a single sheet?

    Is the Intended Audience column a dropdown column? Single or multi-select? Is the list restricted to values on the list?

    Any chance the changes have not had time to propagate from the source to the Calendar view?

    ... some troubleshooting ideas ...


  • VictoriaD
    VictoriaD ✭✭✭✭

    What is the source of the data for the Calendar view? Is it a report that combines more than one sheet, or a single sheet? A single sheet, but that is sourced from a master sheet.

    Is the Intended Audience column a dropdown column? Single or multi-select? Is the list restricted to values on the list? Multi select, yes, restricted values

    Any chance the changes have not had time to propagate from the source to the Calendar view? No it doesn't seem so if i make other adjustments

    It's got me stumped!

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    edited 03/10/23

    Hi @VictoriaD

    More questions for you! 🙂

    You mention this is put on a Dashboard - are you using the Published Calendar link then? We have received reports of multi-select fields showing as selectable in the panel through a Published link, even though this field should be display-only.

    I recognize this isn't ideal, but have you tried adding a helper column that's hidden in the sheet that simply pulls over the multi-select values into a text column?

    =SUBSTITUTE([Intended Audience]@row, CHAR(10), ", ")

    Then you can keep the view of the Calendar as-is, but use the helper field to display those same dropdown values (in a non-editable way).

