Control Centre: new profile data is not cell-linking in the summary sheet

Brucey Overachievers
edited 06/06/23 in Add Ons and Integrations

I have added 3 data sets via global updates, the columns appeared in my summary sheet automatically as usual but the data itself isn't auto cell-linking like it has previously.

I have made sure the column types are dates as all the data is a date. I have removed all column formulas from the summary sheet as requested.

I have spoken to the IT/ help team but they take ages to get back and aren't very clear. Frustrating as I have added some new profile data recently and didn't have an issue! I'm not sure what has changed.

Anyone have any suggestions?


  • Kleerfyre
    Kleerfyre Community Champion

    Have you checked the logs in Control Center for any errors on the newly created projects using this new data? Does the new columns have a cell in the Summary section of your template to link to?

    Jonathan Sanders, CSM

    "Change is always scary because it is unknown, but facing the unknown is what makes us stronger."

  • Matt Johnson
    Matt Johnson Community Champion

    Hi @Brucey

    Here's a confirmed fix but depending on how many projects you have it might not be a perfect fit as it has to be done 1 project at a time.

    Go to the list of projects in Control Center and click the edit pencil on the far right. Then, in the edit screen, there is an option on the lower right called "Update Reporting". Click that and the cell link(s) should appear in the Summary Rollup.

    I hope that helps.


    Matt Johnson

    Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

  • Brucey
    Brucey Overachievers

    Hi @Kleerfyre

    I am getting the following error:

    Summary Reporting: fail to update cell links to reporting sheet 'RCD Development Projects Summary'. Error message: An unexpected error has occurred. Please contact the Support team at for assistance.(4000)

    and yes - when I carried out the global update, the cells (rows really) were added to the template projects (in the project plan).

    @Matt Johnson the above error occurs when I try to update the programme and individual projects!

    Thanks both,

  • Kleerfyre
    Kleerfyre Community Champion

    Are you trying to link data from the start date and finish date columns? If so, you can't do that in Control Center. You will need to create helper columns for those dates.

    Jonathan Sanders, CSM

    "Change is always scary because it is unknown, but facing the unknown is what makes us stronger."

  • Brucey
    Brucey Overachievers

    @Kleerfyre I'm not linking them directly, I have my profile data in a summary above the the Gantt data, so nothing comes directly from them, but the summary data takes it from the Finish column using : =IFERROR(DATEONLY(Finish$42), "") + ""

    Is that what you mean by helper column?

  • Kleerfyre
    Kleerfyre Community Champion

    And if you do that with linking, you will always get the error. It doesn't matter where that comes from, it matters if you make your project summary link any cell in start or finish date column. You cannot link those without getting an error. I went through that and it took me forever to figure that out. When I did, I created helper columns that any date cell will link to in the summary section of the project template.

    Jonathan Sanders, CSM

    "Change is always scary because it is unknown, but facing the unknown is what makes us stronger."

  • Brucey
    Brucey Overachievers

    It is working for every other column! my 'Helper'/ summary columns looks at the finish date column. So I am not using any start/ finish column to cell link directly to the summary sheets.

    Could you maybe provide an example of what you mean by helper column? I'm using a task/ summary column instead of directly linking as you said.

    I had Cheetah Transformations (Smartsheet approved consultant) help me set it up and they wrote all these formulas and everything else works perfectly. They believe it's a technical error.

  • Kleerfyre
    Kleerfyre Community Champion

    Look at this screen shot. It shows what I am talking about. Control Center doesn't like it when you try doing any links to system columns.

    Jonathan Sanders, CSM

    "Change is always scary because it is unknown, but facing the unknown is what makes us stronger."

  • Kleerfyre
    Kleerfyre Community Champion

    And if you had a consultant help with the set up, I would suggest you get with them first on fixing the issue. They know what they built and will be able to help pinpoint the issue quicker. I would always go to them first seeing that each person that builds a Program in Control Center will know what they did to make it work for that specific case.

    Jonathan Sanders, CSM

    "Change is always scary because it is unknown, but facing the unknown is what makes us stronger."

  • Brucey
    Brucey Overachievers

    I'm doing the same - using this 'role' column. All the other pieces of information eg - Baseline start, Project Type all link through.

  • Brucey
    Brucey Overachievers

    Okay I'll ask them again, it's a tricky one.

    Appreciate the help !

  • @Brucey

    Did you ever find a solution that worked?


  • I think the formula has an extra set of quotation marks? We cell-link dates up from sheet summary sections and into our rollup reporting with no issues, but our formula for example looks like: =DATEONLY($[Start Date]$44) + ""