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Activity Log - Export / Download Options

When an Activity Log is downloaded, the report notes the row where the change has occurred. However, if the Sheet's rows are resorted between the time of the report download and reviewing the report, you can not determine what row the change was made on. I would suggest that the Activity Log download would have an option to include a specified column that could be used to find the row again that is not dependent upon the row position. For example, the sheet I'm working on is dealing with over 500 rows, and each row has a unique site identifier number. If that Site ID column could be included in the Activity Log, I could better understand the changes made to the sheet. Also, when the Activity Log is downloaded, the report creates blank/disassociated rows (The columns "Action," "User," and "Time Stamp" appear on their own row and then the "Details" appear on rows under.). This makes the report hard to filter when viewing in Excel and requires manual shuffling/filling in of cells so the sort function of Excel can be utilized. I would suggest that each row of the Activity Log have all columns filled so that "Action," "User," and "Time Stamp" appear in line with the "Details" row.

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