What is the "Last Modified Date/Time" column referencing in the Sheet Access Report?


From what I can tell, it's not reporting the last date the sheet was opened or edited, because I have a sheet that is used daily that's reported as last modified 7 years ago.

Is this referencing the last time the sheet's structure was modified? If so, it's not very useful for helping identify underutilized or unused resources. In fact, it could falsely identify them as such.

Best Answer

  • wlandry12
    wlandry12 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I think you're still talking about modified and created columns when it comes to general Smartsheet sheets, but it may still apply to what I'm talking about. I think I've figured it out. The Last Modified column on the Sheet Access Report is listing the modified date related to the sharing of the sheet/report/dashboard to the Shared To user listed on the row. So the timestamp is really just the last time the sharing was modified for the specified user, whether it be a new share or a change in permissions.

    I'm going to mark this as answered. But for the purposes of identifying old or unused sheets, it would certainly seem this is not the column to use for that.


  • Tim C
    Tim C ✭✭✭✭✭

    It's modification in the row where the day/time stamp is. So if someone changes a status on row 2 for example, the modified column will stamp the day/time that person changed the status.

    Created by is a static system column though. Once data is in that row the date/time stays.

    You could turn on "track changes" and select your timeframe to visually see what cells were changed.

  • wlandry12
    wlandry12 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the reply, Tim, but I think we're talking about different things. What I'm referencing is the Sheet Access Report that is requested via the Admin Center and the "Last Modified Date/Time" column in the CSV that is part of it.

    It should show the date and time that the user last modified the sheet, but I have a feeling it's only showing the date and time that the sheet was shared to the specified user in the Shared To column.

  • Tim C
    Tim C ✭✭✭✭✭

    Ah sorry, missed the title with access report to be honest. The modified column will change when there is any change in a cell in that specific row. So it's not the last time someone used the sheet in general, it's specific to the row. The created column should remain static when the row was first entered. https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/109395/how-do-i-use-the-created-date-modified-date-columns

  • wlandry12
    wlandry12 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I think you're still talking about modified and created columns when it comes to general Smartsheet sheets, but it may still apply to what I'm talking about. I think I've figured it out. The Last Modified column on the Sheet Access Report is listing the modified date related to the sharing of the sheet/report/dashboard to the Shared To user listed on the row. So the timestamp is really just the last time the sharing was modified for the specified user, whether it be a new share or a change in permissions.

    I'm going to mark this as answered. But for the purposes of identifying old or unused sheets, it would certainly seem this is not the column to use for that.