Can I trigger an update request once the date is 'today's' date

I want to send an update request once the date in a cell is reached. I have set the trigger to be when the cell value is "=[TODAY]" but that doesn't seem to be working.. Can someone help with either my cell settings or the workflow automation settings?


  • Eric Law
    Eric Law ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @adrea You need a date column to reference.

    Some questions... are you trying to trigger this everyday? Because setting up a date column with =TODAY() will always update it to the current day, which then you should just set up a daily automation instead.

    How are you getting the info, from a form or manual input?

    How often are you trying to do this, just when the date happens? Aside from the date, is there another criteria that you need the line to have in order to trigger an update?

    Please provide some screenshots if you have already started on this and would like to use your sheet as a reference instead of me creating my own labels

  • Adrea
    Adrea ✭✭

    Hi Eric! Thanks for your help.

    I am not triggering this every day, just when we get to specific date. I am working on a tracker/process for developing and reviewing SOWs.

    The date is being set through a formula (date created+5 days). This is the only trigger for the update request being issued. I am looking to issue all my update requests based on a date using this type of structure (log the date that step A occurred, add days to that date via a formula and record this date in a separate column and then use that new date to trigger the update request about the completion of step B in the process).

    My sheet is fully built out and these update request triggered workflows are the only ones that seem to not be working yet. All of the columns in the image below that leverage a formula are the trigger columns for issuing update requests.

  • Adrea
    Adrea ✭✭

    @Eric Law, does the above info help at all?

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Adrea You would set the trigger to be based on the date column in question.

  • Adrea
    Adrea ✭✭

    Thank you @Paul Newcome! This is now working as I wanted!