Add Ons and Integrations

Add Ons and Integrations

Ask questions about Control Center, Dynamic View, DataMesh, Pivot App, Calendar App, or WorkApps. Discuss connecting Smartsheet to your other systems with integrations such as Bridge, Data Shuttle, the Jira connector, and the Salesforce connector.

Does the Smartsheet Calendar app allow ownership transfers?

I'm attempting to transfer ownership of all my Smartsheet items, but am struggling with some of the premium applications in finding a way to transfer the ownership without the new owner having to rebuild everything. Specifically the calendar app is giving me trouble (data shuttle too!). Does anyone know how you can transfer the ownership of the premium calendar app builds to a new owner?



  • Overachievers

    You're in luck! Sys Admins can transfer calendars between users, a feature just added last month:,calendar(s)%20to%20transfer.

    As for Data Shuttle, there's unfortunately no way to transfer those. I'll take this opportunity to shamelessly plug an enhancement request I posted to give us more functionality to view and share Data Shuttle workflows. Feel free to upvote 😀

    Share Data Shuttle Workflows

    One way to make it slightly less painful to have someone else set up the Data Shuttle workflows is to use ScribeHow to easily capture each screen and provide the other user with the settings needed to set them up in their account.

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