[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 seat to a Multi-Day Smartsheet University course



  • My favorite university course was accessing the risk in Project Management. The good think about the course was the instructor designed the course in a way that students developed heir own projects and introduced their own risks in that projects and used different tools to access those risks. One of the tool used was also Smartsheet's. I particularly used that one and got A+ for my final submissions of report and presentation.

  • anuelle
    anuelle ✭✭✭✭

    My favorite course was an Integrative Business Experience (IBE) course I took in college. This course allowed us to create a product to sell, along with a business plan and a pitch to a local bank for a loan to purchase inventory. At the end of the semester the bank was invited back for a follow up presentation where we presented our findings and the amount of profit that was generated. All profits were then donated to a local charity of our choosing.

  • I have yet to take a course and am excited for the opportunity. I watch a lot of YouTube videos for tips and training, but certified training in person would be amazing!

  • My favorite course that I have ever taken was a crisis prevention and intervention training. It was an interactive, in-person course that kept the entire class fully engaged. I learned valuable skills about how to de-escalate a situation and how to physically control an active threat. What made the class truly great was that the instructor made such a serious topic a lot of fun. The course gave all of the participants a sense of contentedness long after the class was over because we bonded over tough conversations and a lot of laughs in between! There was a great mix of serious and fun.

  • My favorite courses in college where History courses. Then when I started my drafting courses, I just knew it was what I wanted as a career. I love my job and it fits like a glove.

  • My favorite course was my undergraduate biochemistry course. My previous favorite was Organic Chemistry, where everything chemistry-related finally started to make sense. Biochemistry took that knowledge and integrated it into the chemistry of biological systems, which blew my mind. This class answered so many questions that I had since the beginning of my childhood and satisfied my curiosity (at the time) of the inner workings of the body. I didn't know that this class would prompt my journey into research and into my current position, where I use this knowledge to help develop pharmaceuticals that save people's lives. Little did I know that the course was only a brief introduction into what we know about the chemical pathways in body and 20 years later I'm still learning more everyday.

  • Courtney
    Courtney ✭✭✭


    I needed a concise yet comprehensive class before taking an exam. This is the combination of two of my favorite classes, a traditional online class and a cram class.

    What Made Them Great


    • I could instantly access the courses and materials on any device.
    • The web and mobile apps were user-friendly and easy to navigate. They even had built-in note-taking sections.
    • I could sign up for recurring study reminders, which was a nice feature.
    • I could also borrow many of their recommended books from my local library or find them online for free, which though not required were useful additional resources.


    • The courses effectively organized and condensed a lot of content into bite-sized segments, making it easier to grasp the key concepts.
    • The cram course's focus on exam preparation made it easier for me to absorb that key information, compared to other classes and self-paced options I had tried.

    Engagement and Interaction

    • In the traditional online class, I enjoyed interacting with active peers and instructors on the forum.
    • I asked questions, received prompt responses, and demonstrated my knowledge by helping others. The cram class offered that, but it was less active.

    The Instructor

    • The instructor, especially for the cram class, was very engaging and knowledgeable. They made complex topics easy to understand using practical examples and visual aids.
    • The teaching styles in each class were informative and supportive.
    • For the cram class, I genuinely felt the instructor's confidence in my ability to pass the exam, even though the training sessions were pre-recorded. Interestingly, I had less access to this instructor compared to the traditional online class.

    Practice Opportunities

    • They both offered interactive quizzes with answers and links back to the course material, helpful for understanding mistakes or uncertain answers. This instant feedback was crucial.
    • They provided multiple optional practice exams and even options that offered exam-like conditions where you could test your knowledge and work on your time management skills under exam conditions.
    • As previously mentioned, you had opportunities to showcase your knowledge on the forum by assisting others.

    It's silly, but you also get a certificate for completing the class which paired nicely with my actual certification. 😊

  • My favorite course that I just finished was adult American Sign Language (ASL). It was eye-opening that they have a completely different culture than the hearing community and that the grammar rules are "backward" to traditional English. One of the best things I have experienced this year.

  • When going for my undergrad, I took a humanities elective called Religions of the World. I had been raised Catholic and never knew how other cultures celebrated and shared spirituality and prayer and it was absolutely the best course I ever took (though lets be honest, statistics and microeconomics set the bar very low!) It was so interesting to see how different religions across the world are so alike and so different at the same time. It gave me a sense of peace and harmony that I didn't know existed.

  • Hi there my name is Raza Ali Shah. I'm currently working as a Project Manager at HellermannTyton. The most amazing training I have ever received is the Survivex Course. This is an offshore survival training course which enables one to be able to work in extremely challenging offshore environments. The reason why this course has been a learning curve for me is because it taught me extremely valuable skills such as keeping calm under pressure, understanding a challenge and trying to overcome it in the best way possible, working as a team, being prepared for any unexpected situation that one can encounter and how to problem solve in that situation, effective communication and thinking outside the box. Here's a short video of what this training actually looks like. Enjoy! :)


  • My favorite course I ever took was when I was in College. I took two years of Japanese language. It's hard to pick one thing that made it great. Our teacher was funny and personable. She made everything so memorable because of her personality. We learned vocabulary based on social situations and she would always find a way to make it silly. The material also was really hard, so a lot of the students would get together, study, and practice.

  • I took a course on Change Management using the ADKAR model. It was a three part course and it happened to land in the middle of a large project I was implementing with all of my research team. It helped me develop better metrics to measure the engagement and understanding of the team within the project as well as develop better end user surveys to gauge the success of the implementation and training.

    I still use what I learned in that course every time I work on another project or look to make any changes within the applications I manage. Knowing how connected and the comprehension of the people you are making changes for is critical to the success of the change.

    Amanda Winter (Noe)

    Research Applications Administrator

    Smartsheet Core Product Certified

    Sutter Health Office of Clinical Research

  • Would love to win this giveaway

  • My favorite course was a Time Management skills course that I took through the University of Minnesota's Continuing Education school. As an adult with ADHD navigating my work life, in particular, can be difficult. This course had so many great exercises and worksheets that allowed me to complete tasks with which I was experiencing "freezing" caused by anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed. The skills I learned allowed me to reevaluate, prioritize, and move forward with my work. It's been almost 8 years since I took the course and I still pull out the workbook to help me get through various work projects.

  • Oh, Geometry in high school was my jam! It's where I first learned the art of proving things, turning a bunch of givens into a solid "Eureka!" moment. There's something magical about taking logical steps to uncover truths, kind of like being a math detective. This love affair with puzzles was more than numbers and shapes; it was my gateway to seeing the world through a lens of curiosity and structure. Fast forward, and here I am, a community engineer, still obsessed with solving problems. Whether it's designing solutions or untangling life's conundrums, the thrill of the solve is what keeps my gears turning. Thanks, high school Geometry, for showing me the fun in figuring things out!

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