[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 seat to a Multi-Day Smartsheet University course



  • One of my favorite courses was "Introduction to Creative Writing". It was wonderful because of the combination of passionate teaching and the latitude to delve into various writing styles.

    The instructor was incredibly enthusiastic about literature and writing, which was infectious and motivated everyone in the class. They created a supportive environment where students felt comfortable sharing their work and providing constructive feedback to each other.

    The course structure allowed for a lot of flexibility in terms of what we could write about and how we could approach our assignments. Whether it was short stories, poems, or personal essays, we were encouraged to follow our interests and explore our creativity.

    One aspect that stood out was the emphasis on the revision process. We learned that writing is not just about the initial draft but also about refining and polishing our work through multiple revisions. This approach taught me the importance of perseverance and attention to detail in the writing process.

    Overall, the course provided me with a solid foundation in creative writing and instilled in me a lifelong love for crafting stories and expressing myself.

  • MMcLain
    MMcLain ✭✭✭✭✭

    Learning how to use Smartsheet! I did it completely at my own volition. What I have learned is making a difference in my work life every single day.

  • As a Smartsheet devotee for over 5 years, I experienced firsthand how transformative this platform can be after attending Core training with Amy Pfund McKenna in 2022. This sparked my passion for continuous learning and desire to become a more proficient project manager. Participating in Smartsheet's Project Management course aligns perfectly with my goals - it would complement my existing expertise while providing advanced techniques tailored for effective project execution within the platform.

    From optimizing planning to enhancing collaboration and leveraging robust reporting insights, this training promises to unlock Smartsheet's full project management potential. As someone who champions Smartsheet enthusiastically, further developing my skills reaffirms my commitment to remain an innovative leader. With my extensive experience coupled with eagerness to grow, I'm confident investing in this course will amplify my ability to consistently deliver successful projects.

    Expanding my Smartsheet mastery will not only benefit my organization but could open new professional opportunities. Undertaking this training is a natural next step for a longtime user passionate about realizing Smartsheet's true power.

  • Out of sheer curiosity I took a intro to Python training course to explore the potential use cases in my work. It ended up being fascinating and I fell down the rabbit hole of try to self teach basic coding. My brother is a software engineer and he thinks it is rather funny that I am stumbling into it now!

  • I am a big fan of the sciences, thanks to my middle school science teacher. She was very hands on, and we did lots of experiments; she really gave us a lot of lead way in what we did

  • One of my favorite courses was State and Local Government in college. The professor was passionate about the content and it really gave me an insight into how government works on a local level. We even took a field trip to a Household Hazardous Waste Center that put everything we had been learning throughout the semester into perspective. It fueled my passion for political science and government, and even though life took me in a different direction it was one of the best classes I took in college and I still think about it today from time to time.

  • My favorite course was my Scrum Master Certification course. I took it in person over a few days and my instructor was engaging and had a great sense of humor. It made learning fun. Everyone was really interested in the field and it was great to learn from my instructor, as well as the other people in the room. There was such a diverse set of experiences represented, I was always interested and had a lot of fun while I was there.

  • Best Class ever was High School History. My teacher Mr. Peacock had a way of teaching you that immersed you into that era as if you were living in it. He taught American, European & Asian history. Loved to feature the torture methods and culinary delights of each period. You had to sign up early for his classes since they were the most sought after!

  • One of my favorite courses was a political science course I took in college. The whole semester was a lead up to us coming up with our own theory of the role of the military in politics based on the readings and discussions from the semester. I loved the critical thinking and that there was no right or wrong answer as long as you could support your views. Just like in Smartsheet, there are many ways to do everything.

  • Probably one of the most interesting classes I've taken as an adult was an Acro Yoga class - which is a combination of acrobatics and yoga, done in sort of a "cirque du soleil" style. It was something I never would have imagined myself doing, and it really broke me out of my shell. Taking that class reminded me that it's OK to fall, to tumble, to laugh, and to get back up and try again. It was such a fun, silly, barrier-breaking experience, and I'm so grateful that I did it.

  • Being retired military I have had a lot of training opportunities and my favorite courses have always been the competency based (CB) courses that incorporate Visual and Kinesthetic learning methods.

    I really appreciated the project management course in Smartsheet University. I love the way they incorporated the CB learning experience capitalizing off of both visual and kinesthetic learning methods in a completely asynchronous environment.

    That by far has been my favorite software platform instruction course! I use what I learned in that course every day in my current position as a project manager. I actually require all my staff to go through the same course when I hire them.

    Thank you

  • One of my favorite courses was on project management because it offered a practical understanding of various methodologies like Agile and Waterfall, emphasized effective communication and stakeholder management, and included hands-on project simulations. This blend of theory and practical application greatly enhanced my project management skills.

  • My favorite course in law school was "Representing Clients." What made it exceptional was its hands-on approach to legal practice and the opportunity it provided to develop practical lawyering skills. Through simulated client interactions, case simulations, and mock trials, the course offered a realistic glimpse into the complexities of legal representation. Working closely with classmates under the guidance of experienced practitioners, I honed my advocacy, negotiation, and problem-solving abilities, gaining invaluable insights into the day-to-day challenges of legal practice. The course not only bridged the gap between theory and practice but also instilled in me a sense of confidence and competence in my abilities as a future attorney. Overall, "Representing Clients" was my favorite because it empowered me to apply legal principles in real-world scenarios and prepared me for the rigors of representing clients ethically and effectively.

  • My favorite class I have taken was a Scuba Diving course, Taken as an elective course during my undergraduate studies with pre-Med Biology Major/Chemistry minor. It was a fun class to take to balance out the demanding workload and stress from required core classes.

  • I took an color theory masters level class 20 years after I graduated college. It was so wonderful to be in a learning setting that was founded in philosophical/psychological data but was so relevant in every day life. I still use this information 15 years later during presentations and designs.

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