[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 seat to a Multi-Day Smartsheet University course



  • Andrea_Thompson
    Andrea_Thompson ✭✭✭✭

    I really enjoyed the Project Management course I just completed through SmartU. It was the instructor led course and it gave our team a lot of ideas for creating our own PM templates through Control Center.

  • taschunn
    taschunn ✭✭✭

    I haven't had the pleasure of attending a SmartU course yet. One of my favorite classes was an Insight Model H workshop. In that workshop, we discovered our personal leadership and communication styles. It was really eye-opening. It was a glorified personality test in workshop form, but it was fun! Workshop environments are always more fun.

  • I just recently took a course on Mastectomy Fittings for Breast cancer patients at my job and I truly enjoy doing this service to the community. The women are always wonderful and thankful for the help! It makes the days go easier and I feel blessed.

  • I think the most eye-opening course I took was an Indigenous Cultural Safety one, that was developed with the First Nations local to our area. It gave me a new perspective on what I needed to unlearn from my high school history education.

  • There have been so many, but one that stands out is a recent online class on promoting equity in the workplace. It is a fairly diverse group with varying levels of previous experience with the topic. The facilitator did a great job creating psychological safety from the beginning which allowed the learning to be more interactive and collaborative. The best classes in my opinion are ones that allow you to learn from each other.

  • One of my favorite courses was Code in Place. A free MOOC offered by Stanford University. The free online coding environment/app used in the course was easy to work in and didn't require special software or equipment. Moreover, despite hundreds of people taking the course, everyone was broken up into small learning sections with a dedicated TA. The TA would hold weekly review sessions to review that week's assignment and answer questions. It was such a thoughtful, accessible, and personable experience for what could have been an intimidating learning environment (i.e. learning to code later in life).

  • One of my favorite classes as an undergraduate student was Film Noir. It forced me to watch films I thought I'd hate but ended up loving to this day. It taught me to analyze and appreciate film in new ways and explore genres that I had never considered. The coolest part of the course is that the lessons reached far beyond film. It helped my younger self explore things outside my comfort zone and look at things with thoughtful consideration and without judgement. It's a lesson I still hold dear.

  • My favorite course recently was my 200 hour yoga teacher training! I completed this 7 month course in 2023 and it was so empowering to do something completely for my own self development. I teach a regular weekly class now in addition to my full time job and love it!

  • Aurus
    Aurus ✭✭

    When I set out to master SQL, I sought guidance from someone with expertise and a knack for making learning enjoyable. That's when I found Brent Ozar and his renowned courses. Little did I know that these courses would enhance my SQL skills and transform my career.

    Brent's charismatic personality and deep knowledge made learning SQL an exciting adventure. His organized visual examples simplified complex concepts, ensuring clarity without overwhelm. His special and humorous presentation style made the most challenging topics accessible and entertaining.

    But Brent's courses were more than just entertaining; they were empowering. They instilled confidence and equipped me with practical tools for career advancement. With newfound skills and confidence, I successfully pursued a new career path.

    In conclusion, my SQL journey with Brent Ozar was transformative. His courses not only helped me master SQL but also empowered me to excel in my career. If you're looking for engaging and effective SQL education, I highly recommend Brent Ozar's courses. And yes, you might even catch him enjoying a shot of tequila during the video.

  • For my favorite course, it would have to be a tie between Scouting University and a college Political Science course. Scouting U taught me how to instill a love of learning, skill building, and character development in the hearts and minds of America's future leaders. The Political Science course taught me the importance of an open and impartial mind when it comes to politics and policy, and to listen more than I speak.

  • I would have to say the best course I took would be an effective communication course I took while serving in the Army. Communication is probably the most important tool when it comes to being an effective leader.

  • I have taken many classes over the years including Park Ranger training, Police Academy, a number of sales and management courses, but my favorite was a carpentry course.

    This course was part of my county's adult education program. It is my favorite because in addition to learning basic carpentry, I learned that the basic elements of creating a plan with clear instructions and details facilitating execution were applicable in most things in life.

    In that class we collaborated to build a shed. Since that class I have put those lessons learned into effect in my private and business lives with great success.

  • My favorite course so far has been my PMP certification, it was interactive, rich in anecdotes and real-life scenarios and full of practical knowledge that I implemented in my daily practices. I'm hoping a similar experience will come out of a Smartsheet course.

  • I loved all the College software programming classes I took (many years ago). The instructor started off with the basics, examples, and then each day built on the last. It gave me the building blocks, and confidence I needed to move forward with learning the more complex topics on my own.

    Joe DiMarcantonio, CGC

  • Hi Hello! My name is Nancy Cameron, I am a Operations Program Manager at Amazon here in NYC! My favorite course was a coffee roasting course for Diedrich Coffee Roasters. I flew all the way to Idaho and attended a week long course to better understand coffee roasting science and all the things that go into making a great bean turn into a great cup, understanding farming methods, green bean buying and how the manufacturing of these beautiful machines has not changed all that much for nearly over 100 years. One day I would love to have a roaster of my own and be able to work more with my hands. I am a detail orientated pro by trade and Smart sheet has been a fantastic tool to start using. Imagine I could marry these skills one day and have my whole operation organized from bean to cup!

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