[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 seat to a Multi-Day Smartsheet University course



  • Hello. I took 2 full days of course work recently for learning Agile methodology/Scrum Master skills. It was memorable because the participants and teacher. They were from around the world and knowing that these smart, engaged people were all focused on learning the same thing I was interested in made me feel very welcome to the course. What stood out to me was the online tools (Miro), etc. thatwere used and group team huddles where we solved problems. We also shared examples and learned alot. I went away from this and within 2 weeks was able to pass the exam and get certified as a Scaled Agile ScrumMaster.

  • My favorite class was an Illustration class in high school. I was fascinated by how my teacher was able to draw and the methods he used.

  • In college my favorite class was Great American Courtroom Battles. We learned about a lot of the historical trials that marked changes throughout history. The professor was a master storyteller and made history come alive.

  • I am always eager to learn more!

  • I have taken many accreditation and professional development classes throughout my career and appreciate any classes that provide skills that I can use to enhance my career and interactions with my team and customers. Ironically the best class I ever took was not a professional development course, it was an impression art class. It was so far outside of my comfort zone to explore color and design "outside" the lines and without rules that I found it very cathartic and freeing. Not to mention I had a beautiful piece of art that I will enjoy forever after the class.

  • Lorna Allen
    Lorna Allen ✭✭✭
    edited 04/11/24

    I have so many favorite courses; however, the one that comes to mind immediately is one of the most recent. This would be the Self Paced Project Management Learning Path. As a project manager I was seeking a better way to manage my projects and build a master template that I can provide other project teams. I got both out of this course. As a unexpected bonus I also was able to learn how to manage portfolios! I was so excited and so energized by this training I built out my templates and immediately used my new skills. Then I also realized that the course was recognized by PMI and I earned PDUs! 🎉

  • I greatly enjoyed a photography class I took. It has helped me go beyond 'Auto' on my camera to take better advantage of all the features!

  • I recently took a course on Canada's indigenous history - what a rewarding experience. I learned so much that had never been presented in my public education and I view many issues with a completely new mindset, even things you wouldn't think would relate.

  • My favorite course was an online business school course in financial accounting. I loved the self-paced online approach to learning. I completed it on time in 8 weeks and the knwledge I gained has helped me excel in my job. I look forward to more online learning and continuing to add skills that will help me in my daily tasks.

  • My favorite course was HROB 101 in college, the basics of HR and Organizational Behavior. This course played a pivotal role in my career, which is why it will remain special and my favorite. I enjoyed this course so much I changed my major from Business General Management to Business HR and Organizational Development, which is what eventually led me to my current job.

    Just how the course described above played a pivotal role in my career choice, Smartsheet courses have played a pivotal role in my career growth. My ability to use the tool to improve processes in my current role have led to my development in becoming the data person on the team. My favorite so far, is the learning about Data Shuttle and Data Table.

  • One of my favorite classes was Emotional Intelligence! It's so important to be able to manage my/our emotions but equally important to have the awareness of understanding the emotions of others.

  • My favorite trainings are when the presenter(s) are full of energy. When you know this is the 100th plus time they have delivered the material, but they have the same enthusiasm as if it was the first time they had shared this new knowledge with someone. Those are the ones where I retain the most information and get excited about trying the new things I just learned.

  • brookea
    brookea ✭✭

    One of my favorite courses was an advanced drawing and composition course I took in College. We walked down to the National Gallery of Art each week for most of the class to analyze and sketch the composition of the art pieces. I learned the most about art in that class as opposed to the other art history classes I took.

  • Hi There! One of the best trainings I ever attended was when I was in advertising and our client, United Airlines, invited in their brand strategy partner, Pentagram, for a Brand-Ed workshop. My client learned to be a better client and I learned so much in brand integrity that I have carried forward throughout my career. Currently, I am the Advancement Communications Manager for a nonprofit specializing in working with communities to overcome language barriers from non-literacy to not even having a written form for their language! Today, we work with more than 1,300 minority language groups around the world addressing language issues that empowers women, addresses human-trafficking, offers trauma healing workshops especially for people displaced from homeland due to wars (Rwanda, for example), helps provide access to public services, preserves ethnoarts and culture, and contributes to overall flourishing in community using the languages (often more than one!) that they value most. Their heart language (mother tongue). Since we want most of our donations to go to the field work, we are scrappy and use open source apps as much as possible. But Smartsheet has become vital to me in managing more than 150 projects with a very limited staff, so we allocate resources for 3 of us to have Smartsheet. sil.org

  • Jenna Liu
    Jenna Liu ✭✭✭

    Project Management self study course! It leads me the career changing!

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