Add Ons and Integrations

Add Ons and Integrations

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No Category Appearing on Calculated Column in Calendar App

edited 06/07/24 in Add Ons and Integrations

I have a report which feeds into the calendar app in which we track speaker utilisation. The data is grouped by speaker name and then their total utilisation. When utilisation is zero, it shows this in the report but shows as No Category on the calendar. Is there anyway to change this to 0?

I've got a countif for utilisation on the sheet which feeds into the report and I'm wondering if I could incorporate a 0 before the result then this might help show no category as 00? Unsure if that would work but it's the only thing I can think of so appealing to the bigger brains!

=COUNTIFS({Speaker}, HAS(@cell, [Speaker(s) Name]@row), {HCP Paid}, (CONTAINS(@cell, "Not Applicable")))

Best Answer

  • ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    If I add a new column to my sheet and use this formula then it works great so thanks for the inspo!

    =IF([2024 Total Utilisation]@row = 0, "00", COUNTIFS({Speak}, HAS(@cell, [Speaker(s) Name]@row), {HCP Paid}, (CONTAINS(@cell, "Not Applicable"))))


  • ✭✭✭


    =IF(VALUE(COUNTIFS({Speaker}, HAS(@cell, [Speaker(s) Name]@row), {HCP Paid}, (CONTAINS(@cell, "Not Applicable"))=0,"0", COUNTIFS({Speaker}, HAS(@cell, [Speaker(s) Name]@row), {HCP Paid}, (CONTAINS(@cell, "Not Applicable")))

  • ✭✭
    edited 06/06/24

    Hi @Denden8706 thanks for your response. This gives me incorrect argument set when I'm hoping the results will be 00 and then this shows up instead of No Category on the calendar

  • ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    If I add a new column to my sheet and use this formula then it works great so thanks for the inspo!

    =IF([2024 Total Utilisation]@row = 0, "00", COUNTIFS({Speak}, HAS(@cell, [Speaker(s) Name]@row), {HCP Paid}, (CONTAINS(@cell, "Not Applicable"))))

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