Smartsheets Save Error


I am currently having a repeated error in saving the changes that I make to my smartsheet. It first occured when I was manually triggering an automation through a checkbox in a column to move to another sheet to house the filtered rows. I was able to move 26 rows by manually triggering each row, but on row 27 it showed that my data could not be saved anymore, and showed an error message: "sorry we're having trouble reaching smartsheet right now…" After this, any changes I made to the sheet and attempted to save, showed this same error message. I have contacted support, but that has no outcome as of now. also may be important to note that this sheet houses large amounts of data and has 10+ automations. Does anyone have a solution or have had similar issues? This is an urgent matter.

Details of the error:

formName: ajax
formAction: fa_gridSave
serverStatus: false
serverStatusText: CriticalException
errorCode: 48

Error message^
