Having trouble with a workflow

sarah.ridens70211 ✭✭✭
edited 07/31/24 in Smartsheet Basics

Hi! I am having trouble getting my automation to function properly and need some help troubleshooting.

I have 2 sheets, A and B.

I have one automation that sends a copy of a line from Sheet A to Sheet B based on a drop down selection. This works fine.

I tried to set an automation on sheet B that impacts the same line copied from Sheet A. I set it to trigger when a new line is added, and its intended to send an update request to the contact name on that same new line so the contact person can input missing data. Its not working.

I ensured that all column headers on both sheets are the same. I feel like I"m missing a very obvious step but I can't figure it out! Any guidance? thank you!


Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    If your permissions as well as your personal settings are set up properly, then I believe it is an issue with the trigger being caused by another sheet. I know that cell containing cell links or formulas with cross sheet references cannot be used as a trigger, and I believe the same is true for automations coming from another sheet (such as move and copy rows).

    I would suggest what you just suggested. Set it to run daily and make sure your conditions are set up so it doesn't trigger on every row. That's how I have to do it for cell links / cross sheet references, so it should work in this case as well.
