Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Automation on WHO made the status change

edited 08/02/24 in Smartsheet Basics


We have a sheet that has over 1000 rows. There is a column "Status" that has many options to choose from. Is it possible to have an automation that will go out once a day to me with all the status changes and WHO made the changes. I know we can go into the cell history but that will be a lot with all the changes happening and many rows.



  • You can do one of three things:

    1 - Use the Highlight Changes feature in sheet bar and review that daily but be sure to have the Columns for Modified By & Modified Date setup so you can see what changes occurred, by who, and when


    2 - You can create a workflow, but this would be row level notifications


    3 - You can create a report only showing changes in a specific time frame and automate that to be sent to you on a specific frequency. For this to work you would need the Modify By & Modify Date columns setup as well.

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