Putting the Pieces Together: Building Systems to Manage Work



  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Definitely DO NOT get rid of the browse tab. That is my go to find the work I need, where i organized it, in the method and procedure I organized it in. It would be a detriment to the heavy users of smartsheet and impact many of their workflows for finding their content.

  • PM_Reeves
    PM_Reeves ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @John Hieger,

    Just wondered if there has been any progress on rolling all the changes to Australia. We're the parent of subsidiaries across the world and they can see the forms etc in their overview yet we can't.

    Coupled with this I have different views in the app version compared to browser. Please see attached.


  • Chelsea.McCulley
    Chelsea.McCulley ✭✭✭✭

    I agree with the many comments above that these are primarily unfortunate changes for users. As a heavy smartsheet user, I will say though that I've always found the homepage useless and more of a distraction than anything else. Displaying a users favorites would be better.

    I do however EXTENSIVELY use the folder browse section. As one of the teams managing all workflows for our Marketing department there are a large amount of workspaces I have access to and regularly use. I also rarely have the names of everything memorized to be able to navigate solely by search so the folder structure is vital.

    My biggest gripe about the homepage though that I haven't seen brought up here yet is about the "+ Start a new…" button. Why does creating a new sheet also create a brand new workspace??? This is an extremely large, in your face button when first logging in, and though we encourage our users to use Smartsheet however needed, 99% of all workflows already have an existing structure and workspace. If they want to add an additional sheet/report/dashboard not currently provided, that's great, but creating a whole new workspace now means they also need to adjust sharing and mess with everyone's current navigational structure.