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Changing Finish Date based on % Complete Column to Update Schedule for Predecessor Tasks

Currently in a Project Sheet there is no way to automatically change a Date in the Finish column once the % Complete column changes to 100%. I am trying to have the schedule auto update the predecessors start and end date based on the date the ancestor task actually was completed. There is currently no way to automatically update the project scheduling and Gantt in a Project Sheet because you cannot "Record a Date" in a Dependency Column. You also cannot do complex dependency lookups to a certain date column based on status. The workflow would look something like this.

Original Schedule - Task 1: Duration: 10d Start: Day 1 Finish: Day 10 % Complete: 0%

Input from Assignee - Task 1's % Complete column changes to 100% on Day 7

New Schedule - Task 1: Duration: 7d Start: Day 1 Finish: Day 7 % Complete: 100%

This would then change the date that Task 2 looks at for its start date and updates the Gantt to reflect. This would essentially give you a live schedule that forecasts the project and reflects reality automatically with minimal input from other users inputs. This could help with more accurate variances and better forecasting in the future with more accurate averages. I have included pictures of how this would work done in a grid.

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