Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Branching Logic for Approval Requests

I'm sure most of us have encountered a conditional approval at some point. Where we need to change something and then it's approved, or if they have comments but the approval is still pending and will need to be resubmitted, etc.

Currently the approvals automation only captures values in binary form, yes/no, 1 or 0, option a or b. It would be great if we could have approval flows supporting more than two options that allow for the flexibility of other approval outcomes to further augment our ability to accurately track approval status and responses.

These automations would help a vs needing to send update requests for multi-faceted approval flows, and further ensure the integrity of the data we are submitting for approval.

Thanks - Michael

Michael - Alternative Delivery Analyst

Ames Construction

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