Are there workarounds for Autosave prematurely triggering automations in Board View?

My PMs are noticing that Autosave in Board View is triggering automations for sending the assigned person updates on their tasks before the PM has finished making updates to all necessary information on the card. This is causing folks to receive incomplete information in their assignment notifications. Is there a way to extend the Autosave time? Or a workaround to make sure that the Autosave doesn't jump the gun on an automation?


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    SSFeatures ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Ann.Cracovaner,

    One idea that I have is that you could add a checkbox column named something like Is Ready. The PM can check the box once they finish adding all of the information for that task.

    Then you can update the automation so that it never sends an update until after the checkbox has been clicked. For example:

    Another option would be to have the PM enter all of the information using a Form, that way all of the information is added at the same time.

    I hope this helps!

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