Issue with Smartsheet Update Row Activity - "Unable to Parse Request"

Hi Everyone,

I am facing an issue with the Update Row activity in UiPath Smartsheet integration. While attempting to update a specific cell's value in a row, I am encountering the following error:

Update Row: Bad Request - Often due to a missing request parameter  RequestId: 677d5817e4b0f00701dcae17  ProviderMessage: refId - 8afd2420-e57e-4fac-b2b6-eacb5d1a7ee1, errorCode - 1008, message - Unable to parse request.

Here are some key details:

  • The Sheet ID and Row ID are passed correctly.
  • The Result (CellItem) is generated using an Invoke Code activity.
  • My connection is working because other Smartsheet activities (e.g., reading data, downloading attachments) are functioning as expected.

Code Used to Create CellItem:

' Step 1: Create the cell item

Dim cellItem As New Sheets_rowsCellsArrayItemRef With {   
.ColumnId = 6249262680958852,   
.DisplayValue = "Test",   
.Strict = False,   
.Value = "Test"

Result = cellItem

' Step 2: Create Sheets_rowsCells
Dim cells As New UiPath.Smartsheet.IntegrationService.Client.Sheets_rowsCells From { Result }

' Step 3: Serialize and Log the Resulting Object
Dim jsonString As String = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cells)Console.WriteLine(jsonString)


Serialized JSON:

Result Object:
Sheets_rowsCellsArrayItemRef {    
AdditionalProperties = Dictionary<string, object>(0) { },    
ColumnId = 6249262680958852,    
ColumnType = null,    
ConditionalFormat = null,    
DisplayValue = "Test",    
Format = null,    
Formula = null,    
Hyperlink = null,    
Image = null,    
LinkInFromCell = null,    
LinksOutToCells = null,    
ObjectValue = null,    
OverrideValidation = null,    
Strict = false,    
Value = "Test"

I’ve attached a screenshot for reference. If anyone has experienced this issue or knows how to resolve it, your help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
