

Is it possible somehow to increase the limits of a sheet?

What I mean exactly:

  • Number of letters as a title of a column
  • Number of pictures what I can upload through a form
  • Number of logics what I can implement in a form

I'm working in a seed production plant and currently I would like to create a sheet where we can register the results of our usual "Safety walk". As there is a lot of different area what we need to check (not necessarily all at the same day) from a lot of different pre-defined point of view the number of columns are over 250 (15 separated area, 18 checkpoint on each). Like this in "sheet view" on tablet or phone during the "walk" (which is the main goal to do it during) it's not practical to fill it even if we just need to score the check points (from 1 to3). And also in form I cannot put all the area at the same time because maybe during one visit we check only the "area 1" and "area 12". So I started to put them in logic in the form like the ones who are doing the visit have to choose in advance where they go and the form will show only the checkpoints what are related to that areas. But I could create only 9 logics.

They gave me also the feedback that they cannot upload more than 10 picture in the form.

The quiet low limited number of the letters in title is the least important but times to times annoying.

One more question: Is it possible to make Smartsheet recognize "," instead of "." as a decimal?

If You could provide me any kind of solution/idea I would be really happy because more and more I'm working with the tool I can find limits what I don't understand why there are in a basically really great "tool".

Thanks in advance,
