With the old card view, when you double clicked on a card you could see all the details in one easy view, including the attachments and cards associated with that row. With the new board view, when you double click you're only able to view and update the fields associated with that card. If you want to view the comments or attachments as well you have to click on them individually. With the new board view, there's no way to have that all in one view which was super useful for so many teams.
Posting here as it looks like this idea has been implemented with the attachments and conversation always being visible when you double click on a card. I have the opposite problem. I utilize the card itself to a much greater extent than attachments or comments and now those fields are taking up valuable screen real estate. I use the cards for live information capture and need my team to ficus on the notes being added - not a large empty panel.
Can there please be an option to turn that panel on or off.