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Trying to increment a value by 1 each day, based on a specific status. - GOV

Each day that a row is in an 'In Progress" status, I want to increment a counter to determine the # of days in progress.

So far I have tried an automation that runs daily and filters based on the condition. But I am not finding a way to add 1 to the counter.

I have thought about doing a function but can't find a suitable solution. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated?


  • Assuming you have a Start date on your row it would be: =if(Status@row = "In Progress", TODAY() - Start@row)

  • Thanks for your suggestion. :) The issue is that the task can go in and out of an "In Progress" status multiple times and I would have to keep multiple start and end dates.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    @DeeDee_Thompson, try the following…

    Create Two Columns

    InProgress Date - to hold the date that status changed to "In Progress"
    InProgress Count - to count the number of days that status is "In Progress"

    Column Formula
    [InProgress Count] = IFERROR(NETDAYS([InProgress Date]@row, TODAY()),"")

    Automated Workflow
    Configure an automated workflow to run at the end of the work day.
    CONDITIONAL PATH 1 - When status is "In Progress" AND [InProgess Date] is blank, record a date in [InProgress Date]
    PATH 2 - Clear [InProgress Date]