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Heshy Tauber
Heshy Tauber ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi Guys,


Im trying to set auto Notfication 


I have a Project sheet with Date type of coulmn called  "Last Updated"

I have another text Column Called balance Due 


I want to Create a notification if Balance due is higher then 0.00 Send Reminder 2 days after the date in the last updated Column 


 and if not do able with smartsheets is Their any other  way to set up such a notification ?


  • Pam Alakai
    Pam Alakai Employee
    edited 11/14/17


    We don't currently have the functionality to send a conditional reminder like we would for notifications. But you can submit an enhancement request for this functionality here so it can be considered by our development team for future implementations.

    A workaround for this will be to :

    • Create a new date column. I will call it reminder date for this  example 
    • Insert an IF function in the first cell if that column that will return the last updated date + 2 days when the balance due is higher than 0.00 like this: =IF([Balance Due]1 > "0.00", "[Last Updated]1+2").
    • You can drag from the lower-right corner of a selected cell to copy the formula across contiguous cells in the column. As you copy, the formula will automatically change its respective cell references. Learn more about copying and pasting formulas here: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/2476171-create-and-edit-formulas-in-smartsheet#dragfill 
    • Then set up the notification to be sent when the reminder date is not blank like in the screenshot below 

    Doing this will send a notification when the reminder date is populated. And the reminder date will only be populated when the balance due is > than 0.00

    I hope this helps. 

    Kind Regards, 


    Smartsheet Technical Support Specialist 

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