Archived 2015 Posts

Archived 2015 Posts

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I love using Smartsheet, I am still learning how to set up my project management sheet

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I wish I knew how to set up alerts specific to certain people.


I also, would like to learn more about restricted access to what customers can see vs. clients or vendors (etc).  


I am still confused about how to use the Gannt chart in our industry.  


  • I asked customer service about getting alerts for certain people and was told that that is not currently a function :( you can only get alerts if something in a column changes (e.g. "assigned to" changes)

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    What type of an alert are you trying to set up?  Because you can set up notifications and/or reminders to an individual.  You can set these up based on date, if something changes in the sheets or based on a particular item change on the sheet and a few other options.


    As for sharing rights....when you share a sheet with someone they will see the whole sheet but will be limited to "View Only", "Edit" (gives limited ability to edit columns and rows) or "Admin" which gives them full editing and sharing rights.


    I don't know how to answer you question about gantt not knowing what industry you are in.

  • Reminders can be sent to specific people. You can set reminders based on a contact list column (Who is assigned to a task) or you can set a reminder for a task for a specific user. Read this article on reminders:


    Here is an article on working with Gantt charts:

  • I suggest you don't share the same sheet on a client / vendors level at the same time , the reminders or notifications are cleared for you in the earlier replies, I suggest you use report feature. 

    because reports can give you the following:

    • You select the rows and columns you want to show ( the specific information)
    • you can also creat an email export of the report and you can rescedule it ( automate it) 

    so with a report I think you will be able to have more control over what you share also the automation you seek.

    I have an example if you need further information.

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