What to do when project ends?

Hi Smartsheet Community,

Our company works with customers on projects for a set period of time. When a project is complete, we archive completed projects for internal use, but we no longer need our customers to view or edit sheets and sights in Smartsheet.

When a project ends, is there is way to inactivate or close our project sheets, reports, sights etc. to ensure customers no longer can view or edit them? Can you inactivate these projects without having to remove every individual one by one from the permissions and update request menus?

Thank you for the help!



  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion
    edited 01/26/18

    The easiest way is if you don't have automated columns and are only using sheets. then you can simply right click, save as new, add (Old) or whatever extension you want to the title, then delete the original. if you have reports/sights linked to the sheet you can't carry over the connections doing this, and autocreated date columns will all autocorrect to the current date in the new copy sadly.


    Someone else might be able to help you on the rest, i'm drawing a blank.

  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion

    You could save the sight as a screenshot and post it as an attachment to your worksheet as well if the sight doesn't require you to scroll down. This could help with file organization as well.