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Is it possible to assign a task to multiple people?



  • Julie Haugland

    I'm testing out this new feature and when you check allow multiple contacts per cell, the assigned to field in reporting is blank.  Do not start using this feature if you rely on reporting!  

  • Daniel Stein
    Daniel Stein Employee
    edited 10/03/18

    Hi all,

    There have been a couple of questions about how the new multi-assign feature works with reporting. You can indeed use contact columns with "Allow multiple contacts per cell" checked in reports. In order to do so, you'll want to make sure that "Allow multiple contacts per cell" is checked for your contact column in all of your underlying sheets referenced by the report. Reports treat single-contact & multi-contact columns as different column types, so if you have a mix of single- and multi-contact columns in your underlying sheets, they would show up as 2 separate columns on your report.

    Best regards,


  • Anthony Caole

    Smartsheet now supports assigning multiple contacts a single task in one Assigned To cell. 

This discussion has been closed.