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Is it possible to assign a task to multiple people?



  • The Smartsheet Product team is setting up interviews with customers who would like to assign tasks to multiple people in Smartsheet. Your input will help to shape the future of the product.

    Please sign up here if you would be interested to participate in these interviews. We look forward to hearing from you.

    - Daniel

    Product Manager, Smartsheet

    P.S. Please note: While we may not be able to contact everyone who signs up, we'll keep you on our list for future customer research on this feature.

  • Please add my vote as well. This function would be key for us.


  • Just signed up - excited that you are gathering feedback!  We also need the ability to assign multiple users to a task for our project management. This goes along with our general request for multi-select options for any drop-down fields.

  • Is there any update on if/when this issue will be addressed. Our primary reason for choosing Smartsheet was for resource allocation. As embarrassing as it will be if this issue isn't fixed I'll have to switch programs to another scheduling tool (even though I just rolled this out to our company last week). This is a very BASIC need in any scheduling tool that I didn't think I had to question when choosing the best fit for our company.

  • Tim Meeks
    Tim Meeks ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/08/18

    yes Craig, you're old!  devil

  • Hi Adam,

    Yes, we are planning to support assigning multiple people per task in the second half of this year. In the meantime, you may consider using hierarchy to break your tasks into sub-tasks (on their own rows), and assigning each sub-task to the 1 person responsible for it. This approach has the advantage of clear ownership of each part of the work.

    Best regards,


  • Voting for this options too.

  • I understand the disadvantages and difficulties that this option will cause.

    But, there are also several of advantages that might help a lot (you can see them in MS Project).

    What i think would be good is to define it as a new type of column.

    User will be able to choose between a single choice contact list column and a multiple contact list column.

    Same goes for a "drop down" list column.  why not having an option of multi-value selection?


  • I've been following this one for a while. I've always thought that by using the groups option as an alias, it should be easy to use that in the "assigned to" column. Not sure why that hasn't already happened in the tool...I know that it ties into the whole resources, thing, but if you think of a whole department as a resource, it does allow you to view workloads in another way.


  • Has there been any update on when exactly this will be addressed? This is an incredibly basic feature, and without it I will need to move my company to a different software. 

  • Obviously one task can be worked on by more than one person. So, why wasn't this built into the product in the first place? 

  • Zach B
    Zach B ✭✭✭

    Any update on when this will be rolling out? I assume that by being able to assign multiple people to a task you could then have them all approve the task?

  • This feature is now available for all who are not aware of the enhancement.


  • Daniel Stein
    Daniel Stein Employee
    edited 10/02/18

    Hi all,

    We're pleased to announce that you can now quickly & easily assign tasks to multiple people. To do so, check the new "Allow multiple contacts per cell" checkbox in any contact column. The cells in that column will then allow up to 20 people to be added.

    You can still leave that option unchecked when you only want a single person to be assigned to a task at a time.

    Adding multiple contacts to a cell is useful not only for assigning people, but also for other scenarios where you want to associate multiple stakeholders with a row. For example, you might want those people to receive notifications when the row changes, or you may want them to appear in reports and filters.

    For some projects, you may want to add 2 contact columns: one for the primary owner, and another for additional team members.

    We welcome you to try it out and let us know what you think.

    - Daniel


  • Angie Hatfield
    Angie Hatfield ✭✭✭✭✭




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