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Lock a Field

J Tech
J Tech ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I have a field with a formula in it and I want to be able to lock it so only owners and admins can edit.


i cant lock the row as details have to be changed by editors in other fields in the row.


J Tech

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  • Dan Davis


    You also have the ability to lock the column, perhaps that will work.



  • J Tech
    J Tech ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks Dan, but I only want to lock the parent rows not the whole column


    J Tech

    If my response has helped you in any way or provided a solution to your problem, please consider supporting the community by marking it as Insightful, Vote Up, or Awesome. Additionally, you can mark it as the accepted answer, which will make it easier for others to find a solution or get help with a similar issue in the future. Your support is greatly appreciated!
  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    J Tech - there isnt a way to lock single cells, only entire rows or columns. I will submit an enhancement request for the ability to lock single cells. 

  • Will ITW

    Another vote for this please.


  • patrick_daniels
    edited 03/06/19

    I'm surprised this functionality (ability to lock formulas but still allow users to edit cells) has not been released yet.  Have there not been enough votes?

    The solution I keep hearing is to lock the column or row...but doing that does NOT allow users to add their entries.  Surely we can get more folks to vote for this.  Or maybe there's an existing solution and I'm not finding it?

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