More than one contact in the contact list drop-down

Steven Sawyer
Steven Sawyer Overachievers
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

We have a column type "contact list" that we use to track sales reps for individual products. Sometimes we have a product with more than one sales rep. I created a group with both sales reps as part of the group thinking I could use the group as the contact. It isn't available in the dropdown, only individuals.

I want to setup notifications for the sales reps when changes are made to their products. If there is more than one sales rep for a product, naturally I want to notify them both.

Does anyone know a workaround for this?


  • For your use case, I would recommend creating a second column that you can optionally fill with the name of the second sales rep. You can then set up notifications to go to both columns. If your products that have 2 sales reps typically have 1 person as the "primary" sales rep, then you could reflect that in the column name. (In many circumstances, it works well to have a single person designated as the primary assignee, even if there are additional people also working on the area.)

    We are currently working on the ability to add multiple contacts within a single column, coming later in the year.

    Best regards,


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    I would recommend the same thing that Daniel suggested. Its how we are currently handling multiple contacts. 

    Daniel! That is really good news to hear about the multiple contacts in a single column... is there any ability to use formulas to draw a contact from another contact column into one? We'd like to be able to assign a contact from the next row into the previous one with a formula? Is that forthcoming as well?