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Calendar View | Start Day


I want to be able to display the calendar view with Monday as the fits day of the week (Mon- Sun) insetad of Sunday (Sun- Sat).  Is this possible?




  • Travis
    Travis Employee


    Hi Dave - there isn’t a way to display the calendar view with Monday as the first day of the week instead of Sunday but I will add your vote for this enhancement request! 

  • Stan Ward

    Monday as first day of week (Monday to Sunday), so the weekends are viewable together instead of split.


    I would also like to see the feature request / enhancement.





  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Added your vote, Stan! 

  • Fredrik

    Yes! This should be a basic feature in my mind. Over here in Europe many of us use Monday as the first day of the calender.


    This should also be available in the Date Picker tooltip.



  • String

    Yes please for the Monday starting day of the week. Most people start their working week on a Monday, not Sunday.

  • Michael G.
    Michael G. ✭✭
    edited 05/12/16

    Yes please - this is important to increase the acceptance, especially when introducing the system as a standard tool for enterprise control!


    Kind regards


    Michael from Germany

  • User

    Are you serious? So it's been a year and you haven't added this very small update??

  • Fredrik

    I am sorry but not having a feature such as this one is really worrrying and sends signals that smartsheets is a 2nd-rate software. As a manager in an organization where people put high quality requirements on themselves and on others, things like this makes it difficult to sell the tool to those that have to work with it.


    Also, getting a comment from my smartsheet contact person suggesting that "you could add a note on your form about the fact that Sunday is the first day in the date picker to minimize the risk of them selecting the wrong date" feels kinda unprofessional way of handling this to be honest...


    How can this problem still be a problem after so long?

  • tim millar
    edited 06/25/16

    It's crazy that this feature isn't available. How is Sunday the first day of the week? Why would anyone want the weekEND split between the start and the end of the week? My initial experience with Smartsheet's development and ease of use is brilliant, but it seems really strange that this one isn't fixed. 


  • eZoli63
    edited 06/26/16

    One year before I have try Smartsheet, I loved it, but I was confused by american style date picker.

    Why don't add availability to change first day of week to MONDAY?

    After one year nothing changed.. Frown



  • solosails

    This is not fixed!? Why not!?


  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hello solosails,


    We currently don't have functionality in the Calendar View to change the start day of the week but I've got your vote for this on our enhancement request list for further consideration by our Product team.


    Thanks for your input!

  • Fredrik

    Honestly, I see this kind of reply "Thanks for your input, I have added your vote for this" on so many issues raised in this community and it seems Smartsheets is using this type of reply as a "get out of jail for free - card". Sorry but it is not working like that. This kind of approach is what makes us contemplate abandoning this tool altogether. When stuff as simple (but actually VERY important from a user acceptance point of view) as this doesn't get fixed in years it makes us feel we are using a broken tool, developed by a broken developer (either that or by a developer who doesn't care about users in certain regions where a defect like this really matters a lot).

  • Xavier LN


    We also need this feature, people just don't understand that sunday is the first column which make us loose time. They also tend to make mistakes because of that.

    Could we have some visibility regarding a delivery of what looks like a bug, or a very tiny feature? 

    Thank you,


  • CarolinKK


    very annoying that this is still not possible.

    Monday is the first day of the week according to the international standard ISO 8601, but in the US, Canada, and Japan it's counted as the second day of the week...

    So Smartsheet is not a global but a US software - is this what you want to let us know?




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