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Share only selected sheets from workspace

Dan Neamtu
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Hi all,


I have multiple workspaces for different customers and I'd like to keep some sheets from there internal and some public, hence share with customers. Apparently I can only share a workspace completely. This forces me to have a lot of individual shared sheets, hence breaking the folder structure I would like to have, per customer.


Any ideas if sharing selected sheets from a workspace is supported? If not, will this be a new feature?





  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Dan, workspaces were designed to have set sharing permissions for groups of sheets. However, based on feedback we have received from users, we are making changes to this. Check out our product roadmap for information on features we are currently developing. We are working on a method to share sheets located in a workspace with non-workspace members. 

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