General Announcements

General Announcements

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New Features in Smartsheet: Enhanced Delivery Options for Sending Sheets, Reports, and Update Reque

Our enhanced delivery options let you choose the frequency of requesting updates, sending sheets, or distributing reports at a more granular level.Sending sheets and reports or requesting updates with an automated system offers peace of mind to not only you, but also your team, management, partners, and stakeholders. It takes a task off your plate, but also ensures transparency and accountability throughout the project’s timeline. Check out our blog for more details!


  • Dear Travis,

    In the last upgrade I've noticed that the email being sent when requesting data (Update Request) is not showing in the Subject the Line Subject or number of line... Just the sheet name.

    Previously to that upgrade the functionality was better as the subject was containing information from the line.

    In case of a typical Issue List this is really helpfull ! ;-)


    Best regards,


    Karim Cherif


  • Employee

    Hi Karim, thanks for posting! We did not change the format of update requests emails. The sheet name is added to the subject line when creating an update request.


    When sending rows, the subject line is taken from the Primary Column - could this be what you are thinking of?

  • Hi Travis,


    I'm quite sure that in the past an update request was taking information FROM the line TO the email subject. But, I may be wrong.

    I will review tomorrow my old emails and confirm... (or not ;-) )

    Thanks for your support



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