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Copy a set of sheet that have links

Allan Poulton
Allan Poulton ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I have created a set of sheets that I will use to managed various parts of a Project.  Between the sheets, I've linked a number of cells, pulling data from one sheet to another.


As I'm going to run this type of project many times, I need to copy this set and reuse them for another project.


I can copy the sheets, but the links are still referencing the original set.


Is there a way to copy the set and keep the links referring to the sheets in the copied set?


For example -

Set 1 has a Sheet called Project 1 Schedule.  The dates from the schedule are linked to another sheet Project 1 Site Data.  


Can I copy these sheets and keep the links from Copy of Project 1 Schedule to Copy of Project 1 Site Data? 


I don't want to recreate the links every time I start an new Project.


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Allan! Yes this is possible. Add all the sheets you want to copy to a folder or workspace on your Home tab. Then right click on the folder/workspace and select Save as New. By default, it will keep all the links relative to the newly created sheets. 

  • I have a workspace that needs to be updated from a workspace created with new data.  When I remove the sheets from the workspace then re-add them from another workspace as save by new, then links do not get copied over.  I have to go and manually update each one. Example I have a set of Folders in the new workspace with Sheets, dashboard etc, then I copy the entire folder set and save as new to Orig workspace, the links stay in the new workspace and not the orginal.  However if I save as new the whole workspace then the links are good.  It doesn't work on an existing workspace.  Is there a way around this?

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