Sunday IT operations

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics


I would like to know if there is a way to force a task to be planned a particular day of week (sunday in my case) ?

Saturday and sunday are not working days but for special IT operations we need to work a day off.

Thanks for your replies.


  • Alison
    Alison Employee

    Hi Xlaurent,


    Thanks for this question; even if your non-working days include Saturday & Sunday, you can still manually input a task onto a Saturday or Sunday by putting in a task with a 1-day duration manually onto that date.


    If your tasks have more than a 1-day duration, you'll need to input multiple 1-day-duration tasks in order to work around the non-working day settings.


    Please let me know if you have further questions on this!



  • xlaurent
    edited 01/29/19

    Thanks for your reply.

    I found another solution. I have set sunday as a working day and I put in the non working days exceptions all the sundays where we do not work.


  • Alison
    Alison Employee

    That's another great solution!

  • it's just half a solution. there should be the possebility to add addtionals kalendars or exceptions if only one kalendar ist possible. 

    if someone tells you, that they cant work in a certain periode, you are forced to solve it manualy. 

    add this to my long wishlist wink