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Time Management in Start and End Date




I saw some items where people wanted to manage time in Start and End Date.

This is a feature that interets me for laptop usage.

Can you tell me please if it is planned en the smatsheet roadmap ?


Thank you for answer


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Jean-Francois,


    We do have plans to implement formulas to calculate time but I dont have information on when this might be available. 


    There is a formula that you can use to caculate time between two times in a day (example: 4:00am - 8:50pm). Is this something you are interested in seeing? I can post an example of this if you would like! 

  • Hi

    Acually, I'm only interrested to put time in these fields (rather than dates).

    The aim is to to have a timetable calculated this dependencies between the differents items but with a range of minute instead of day in classical gantt planning.

    So tha start and end time would be calculated by dependency/delay information.

    The use deals with this operations of deloyment of a sofware for example with a lot of short action in a day.

    Thank you

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    I understand the need to see actual time and I will submit your feedback to our Product team!  


    In sheets with dependencies, the Start and End date columns are Date/Time columns. Only the date is displayed but there are background calculations for time. Predecessors will take duration and length of day into account when scheduling tasks (although it will not show time).

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/10/16




    In the screen shot below, the Start_Time and End_Time are calculated from the Start and Finish Date/Time columns.

    The two time columns are normal Text/Number columns.





    The formula is


    = ((date column) - DATEONLY (date column)) * 24


    which subtracts the date portion and multiplies by 24 hours in the day.

    Note that Smartsheet assumes a work day includes a 1 hour break for lunch at 12noon, regardless of whether the work-day is 8, 10, or 12 hours (I haven't tried less than 4 hours yet)

    The time columns could be "cleaned up" a bit to look more like a time showing 8:00 instead of 8:00 and 10:30 instead of 10.5 but then you have converted the time to a text which may not be what is needed.


    You could then use these times as your guide (instead of expecting/hoping that Smartsheet will do it for you) when planning your sprint.


    Hope this helps.




  • Thank you Craig for this tip !

  • Admin@PAT
    edited 10/12/16

    Hi Craig,


    I'd like to delve into this a little more please. I am a little lost in your calculations (still fininding my way through logic of functions). 


    I have a meeting as follows:

    Duration | Time Start | Start Date | Time Finish         |  Finish Date

    4.5h          9                  25/10/16     <would be 1.30>    25/10/16


    I have no need for predecessors at this stage - although turned on and hidden for Resources viewing.


    Where does your above formula 'go' and which date column does 'date column' in your formula apply to?


    Appreciate any further help. I will keep plugging it in and see how I go. :)


    Travis - Any update on this enhancement?

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