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Dynamic Allocation % / Resource Management

Monitoring RM (Resource Management) is pointless if the data is inaccurate!

Current “Allocation %” is static (if RM is enabled) making RM data inaccurate!

Please LIKE or bump if you agree that we deserve a truly SmartSheet w dynamic content!


“Allocation %” should be able to accept a formula. Currently when you turn on RM and designate an Allocation % column it will remove the formula and keep the value.

A number of users have touched on this outlining their personal preference. Each is different. If you provide them with the ability to use a formula to derive this value then all can be accommodated.


This is an achievable feature. I say this because it use to exist as a “bug” previously. You use to be able to enable RM, disable it, insert the formula, and enable RM and it would keep formula and dynamic content. Since a recent update when you perform this procedure RM replaces the formula with the value and the data becomes static. Give me back the bug!


SS support:

“I want to start off by apologizing. I was able to do what you described in a previous version of our software. To explain: the method you’ve described (entering a formula into the Allocation % column, turning on Resource Management, and the formula staying active within the column) was a bug in the system and it wasn’t intended behavior. We believe the bug originated sometime prior to July, 2015. It looks like it was resolved in an update in July, but was inadvertently reintroduced in a recent update. It looks like it has been resolved with the most recent release last month.”



If you agree that you want accurate dynamic RM through the use of formulas please like this discussion, bump it to keep it current. Make a feature request. Get this on the roadmap!


This discussion has been closed.