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Card View Colours Colors Color



  • We are using the car bar color to indicate different epic and all the stories/tasks under it. 

    Is there a way to make each card added under a Level 1 card automatically receive the same color? Currently, each new card added is given the default light blue color.  So there are lots of manual updates to the card. 

    I tried to use conditional formatting but the Level 1 card is not an option to chose from as the Condition. 



  • This doesn't work as Mike describes.  I have attached example pictures.  I cannot get the card view to change based on conditional formatting.  Even if there is a way, it needs to be better designed so that it can be used without referring to a forum.




  • What about when there is a hierarchy of tasks? How do you format each? I've have the main task change all the subtasks the same color.

  • ✭✭✭
    edited 07/24/18


    I'm not sure what formatting you expect based on these rules. You only have one rule setting a gray task bar color.

    If you want the Red and Yellow rules to set the task bar as well as the columns, be sure you specify that in the rule like you did for the gray shading. See image below.

    Also keep in mind the hierarchy of rules. In my example below, Card 2 will have a Red tab because that rule is above the Yellow rule even though the yellow rule criteria is met. You can drag rules to resequence as needed.

    If you are still having an issue, let me know the exact result you are trying to accomplish and I can show you the formatting rules.

    Smartsheet Format.JPG

  • ✭✭✭
    edited 07/24/18


    Do you have an example/image of what you mean by hierarchy of tasks?

    Are you expecting different card colors in the same column? The highest rule that applies to a card will dictate the color. So you need to make sure you have your rules created correctly AND in the right sequence.

    See below. I have a rule for Card 2 and a rule for Stage 9 Released. The red card uses the rule for Card 2. The black card is using the higher priority rule for Stage 9. 

    Smartsheet Format 2.JPG

  • WendyC,

    You need to set up a rule that uses what these individual cards have in common. For example, if you have a column that indicates what the Epic value is as a way to tie each row (card) to the main Epic, use that column for your rule. See an example below - I included the Epic field on the card for clarity, but you do not need to include the field that drives the formatting. Does this help?


    Smartsheet Format 3.JPG

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