Adding an additional requirement to a formula

dplunkett79331 ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

We have been using this formula to add up the hours spent working specific clients -- been working fine. We have also been asking what category of work they have been completing at these clients but haven't been utilizing the data. 

=SUMIF({Kinsman - Job#1}, [Scope of Work]@row, {Kinsman - Hours#1})

I now need to add an additional requirement off of this data from the sheet. For example: this current formula asks how many hours did you spend working a specific client. Now I need to solve for how many hours were spent on the specific tasks that has been gathered for each client. I can't seem to amend the formula to add on an additional requirement. 

Any ideas??

Thanks for any help you can offer!



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