Match Statement with Multiple Sheets

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions


Due to the limited restraints on the # of rows (5,000) in Smartsheet - I need to create a formula that references multiple sheets for a match statement.  See below:

=IFERROR(IF(MATCH(([Employee ID]1 + [Current Position]1 + [Training Name]1), {Completions(1) Range 1}, 0) > 0, "YES", "NO"), "NO")

I have another sheet (exactly the same format as the Completions(1) sheet) named Completions(2).  I need to include that range within the above formula to search employee completion records in sheet 1 OR sheet 2.

Someone help!  Much appreciated.



  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    Try replicating your MATCH statement referencing the second sheet. Then drop that into an OR statement inside of your IF.


    =IFERROR(IF(OR(MATCH(......................, {Sheet 1}) > 0, MATCH(.................., {Sheet 2}) > 0), .............)

  • Thanks for the help - it looks like it's reading as an error.  If i change the "NO" at the end of the IFERROR to N/A, it's changing all of the orginal "YES" answer to "N/A" as if there's an error.  Below is the formula


    =IFERROR(IF(OR(MATCH([Employee ID]1+ [Current Position]2 + [Training Name]2, {Completions Range 1}, 0) > 0, MATCH([Employee ID]1+ [Current Position]2 + [Training Name]2, {Completions (2) Range 1}, 0) > 0), "YES", "NO"), "NO")

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    Double check your row references. You are referring to two different rows.

  • Same issue - throwing an N/A.  I adjusted the formulas:

    =IFERROR(IF(OR(MATCH([Employee ID]1+ [Current Position]1 + [Training Name]1, {Completions Range 1}, 0) > 0, MATCH([Employee ID]1+ [Current Position]1 + [Training Name]1, {Completions (2) Range 1}, 0) > 0), "YES", "NO"), "NO")



  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    Check your MATCH statements individually. For testing...


    Create two columns. In one column put the formula for sheet one. In the other column the formula for sheet two.


    What are the results of that? DO not use the IFERROR portion. That way if there is an error being thrown, we can see exactly what error it is and trouble shoot from there.

  • Looks like they work independently. 

    Formula 1: =IF(MATCH(([Employee ID]1 + [Current Position]1 + [Training Name]1), {Training Completions Range 1}, 0) > 0, "YES", "NO")

    Formula 2: =IF(MATCH(([Employee ID]1+ [Current Position]1 + [Training Name]1), {Training Completions (2) Range 1}, 0) > 0, "YES", "NO")

    Combined: =IF(OR(MATCH(([Employee ID]1 + [Current Position]1 + [Training Name]1), {Training Completions Range 1}, 0) > 0,(MATCH(([Employee ID]1 + [Current Position]1 + [Training Name]1), {Training Completions (2) Range 1}, 0) > 0, "YES", "NO"), "YES", "NO")

    Issue is when we try to add the OR() statement. 


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