Copy Rows to Another Sheet | Smartsheet Learning Center
https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/770589-copying-a-row-to-another-sheetAvoid having to manually duplicate your work by copying rows from one sheet to another.
I'm compiling a hyperlink section to include at the top of project sheets, a little more than a dozen in total. This collection creates my tabbed "Excel report". It will allow end users to navigate to the tabs/sheets they need. I can then save them in their feature (finance, schedule, risk, invoices, cash flow, etc) folders instead of in a project folder, thus allowing for more robust reporting since all finance sheets are together, all schedules are together, all risks are together, etc.
I've experimented with creating a master template that can be copied and pasted to the head of each sheet, but I cannot paste the hyperlink references. Creating them for each and every sheet is an incredible waste of time, energy, brain power. Pasting Special/Link to Cell does not work. Given the marketed benefit of using header cells as navigation links, it would make sense that pasting hyperlinks would be a valuable tool and has to exist in some capacity. Otherwise, how can you scale these solutions?
All help and feedback is appreciated.
Are your sheets already created and in use?
They are created, yes.
There are several ways to copy rows from a current sheet to a new one. Have you tried a method other than Copy and Paste?