Archived 2017 Posts

Archived 2017 Posts

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Conditional Formatting based on system columns (Attachments and Comments)

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I can't find any discussions on this. 


I'm looking for conditional fomatting based on two of the three System columns: Attachments and Comments. These are not available today when trying to add conditional formating to a row.


For attachments, I would like the criteria based on:

  - Changed: If the list of files has changed at all

  - New: Only if a new file has been added

  - Changed Existing: If a new version of a specific file has been uploaded


For Comments:

  - Changed: If any new comments have been added

  - Replied: If anybody has replied to a specific comment


Please consider this a request if this functionality is not available today.





This discussion has been closed.

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