Do dashboards have to be shared for WorkApp

I am trying to make a simple hub work app. The app basically just displays one of my dashboards that contains useful links and videos. If I give someone a link to the work app, does the dashboard or the sheets it contains have to be shared with everyone for them to use the work app?


  • Bassam Khalil
    Bassam Khalil ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/23/21

    @Devin Dupre

    Hope you are fine, Permissions granted on WorkApps override and replace Permissions granted on SmartSheet.

    Permission levels in WorkApps roles are independent of the Smartsheet permission levels for collaborators on the source item. If you share a WorkApp to someone, you do not need to grant them access to each individual Smartsheet item contained in the WorkApp..

    PMP Certified

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  • PeggyLang
    PeggyLang ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Devin Dupre
    Devin, is this true for dashboards???
    I have a dashboard on a workapp. The dashboard has links to 'folders' within a workspace. Collaborators are able to access the dashboard on the WorkApp, however, when they click into a link to a 'folder' they receive 'you do not have access . . . '