This would be so helpful. Any update on when this will be available?
This would help tremendously for my clients who use Finance reporting, like Capex - where they need to compare rows and this would be a game changed.
Allow merging for totals to be consistent across a subset of cells, and I would have some very happy clients!
Any updates on this feature?
We have the top row copied into the header row so it can be seen while scrolling down. However, not all the text fits in the header row cells. It would help so much to be able to freeze the top row!! Currently we are using a separate document to be able to see the content in the top row that doesn't fit in the header cells.
Rather than another document why don't you put the description in the Column Description (250 characters max). Then they can click on the i in a circle in the header row.
Ping ping!
There should be a feature to freeze rows and columns. When sheets become large, and users scroll horizontally and vertically, keeping some rows and columns in view becomes increasingly helpful.
@nr2024 You can freeze columns by right clicking on the column name. In the middle of the menu that appears there should be a "Freeze Column" option. I hope this helps with the horizontal scrolling.
Please add the ability to freeze rows. I've seen several requests for this feature dating back to at least 2015, it is now 2024…