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Dynamic dropdowns - Waterfall request



  • A.J.
    A.J. ✭✭✭✭✭

    I support this. Any update from anybody at Smartsheet product ownership?

  • jlyon1
    jlyon1 ✭✭✭

    +1 for this feature request

    My company is using a form to assign trailers to yard locations, but we need to restrict the dropdowns by facility(PA warehouse vs. TX warehouse) and type(dock door vs. parking spot). In the current state, the form would require users to select from hundreds of options. This leaves much room for error, as users could mistakenly assign a trailer to a parking spot at the wrong facility and cause confusion for both warehouses. How can we restrict assignment options without creating a new sheet for each facility?

  • Austin Adams
    Austin Adams ✭✭

    Best method would likely be having a drop down selecting either PA or TX, and creating a column for both next to it.
    If using forms, ask TX or PA and use "Logic" to only ask PA if PA is selected, and vice versa.

    If using sheets and filling those in only, I would conditional formatting. If "Location" is "PA', then apply (grey/black) to "PA-trailer" cell, or something like that.