Meeting Management - Implementation of Template Set

Andrew Brimer
Andrew Brimer ✭✭✭
edited 01/05/23 in Smartsheet Basics

Hello All,

Has anyone implemented the Meeting Management template set who would be willing to share what works and what could be improved? We are looking at moving our minutes into Smartsheet (obviously), and I would like to understand a bit more.

The "Getting Started Guide" for the Meeting Management template set is a bit sketchy on the details side particularly with archival of weekly minutes. There is really nothing there about generating a clean set of minutes for meeting participants either; although, there are other posts in the community which touch on this.

Thanks in advance for any assistance/advice/willingness to share best practices.



  • Julio S.
    Julio S. Moderator

    Hi @Andrew Brimer,

    Although a certain template set can save you hours of work, these are designed to be a flexible basis for different needs and, in this case, it doesn't look like a minute archiving process was included, which doesn't mean that it can't be added on.

    A possible way of archiving minutes that are no longer relevant for the sheet context could be to create a separate sheet (which can be an emptied copy of the "Meeting Agenda") for that purpose and possibly set an automated Workflow to move rows to that archive once certain conditions are met.

    This is just an idea on how a given template set can be expanded but the possibilities are many. If you feel like the information regarding the template use is incomplete or you have useful ideas on how its use can be expanded, I would strongly advise to use the feedback form enabled for that purpose at the very bottom of the template set.

    I hope that this can be of help.



  • @Julio S. Thank you for your reply. I'm aware of and very thankful for Template Sets.

    The reason I asked about archiving is that the getting started guide for Meeting Management includes "and access an archive of past meetings and notes." as part of the description yet there isn't anything in the document that addresses this purported feature. However, there ways to report out previous agenda items.

    Thanks again.

  • Julio S.
    Julio S. Moderator

    Hi @Andrew Brimer,

    Apologies since I misread the documentation. The archiving feature in this case is referring to the existence of a Past Agenda Topics Report which is filtered to include all row from the "Meeting Agenda with Form" Sheet. To test this out, you can fill in that sheet with meetings and, in cases where the "Date" Column contains a date that is in the past, those rows will start populating the Report. If you wish this Report to be more comprehensive you may add additional Columns as needed. Below you can see an example of this feature in action:

    Since there isn't much information about this feature in the template set as you indicated, I would highly recommend to share your feedback using the correspondent Form at the bottom.



  • How are you getting the meeting notes to drop down from the "upcoming meetings" section to the "past meetings (archive)" section? Despite the date being in the past, all prior meetings still show up as upcoming.

  • Isis Taylor
    Isis Taylor ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have been experimenting with this template as well. Trying to determine if it would be too cumbersome or not.

    Isis Taylor

    Business Analyst Senior